Worker climbing up a ladder Worker climbing up a ladder Worker climbing up a ladder

Medical Services

Operating in remote and extreme locations comes with its own distinctive challenges. At UnitedHealthcare Global Medical, we provide comprehensive solutions that help safeguard the health, wellbeing and productivity of global workforces and empowers organisations and individuals to make better decisions to protect their health and safety.

We have over 35 years experience as specialists in the delivery of quality remote medical care. We provide single-source, globally integrated solutions, operational protocols, infrastructure and communication systems for companies across multiple industries.

We support land based, offshore and maritime workers in a number of industries including: 

  • Energy
  • Construction
  • Government
  • Mining
  • Humanitarian
  • Film, media and expedition

We provide primary, emergency and occupational healthcare solutions that help mitigate risks for businesses operating in remote and challenging environments. These solutions encompass on-site personnel, offsite support and assistance, virtual medicine, medical products and logistics. We work closely with our clients to develop a long standing relationship and provide 24/7 support for both medics and clients.

UnitedHealthcare Global Medical is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Solutions delivered in the most remote and challenging locations

We provide services designed to support duty of care obligations and help eliminate capability gaps to ensure employees receive timely, appropriate care on and offshore. These include:

Case studies: Our expertise in action

Our history

UnitedHealthcare Global Medical was born out of a merger in 2011 between Exploration Logistics (founded in 1986) and MEDEX Global (founded in 1977) to become FrontierMEDEX.

FrontierMEDEX was acquired by UnitedHealth Group in 2011 and rebranded UnitedHealthcare Global in 2014.

More about UnitedHealthcare Global.

Two medics on a radio

Contact us

Request a quote or call +44 (0) 1594 545 100.

Two medics helping an injured person

Job opportunities

Explore a career working offshore.